We are an organisation dedicated to providing the entire veterinary team with globally recognised, achievable qualifications, to progress your career.
Join over 9,000 vets and vet nurses from around the world who have achieved an ISVPS veterinary postgraduate qualification
Gain valuable skills and confidence to enhance your performance in practice
ISVPS has over 20 years’ experience in the provision of veterinary postgraduate assessments, qualifications and veterinary course accreditation
Choose to learn in a way that suits you whilst balancing a busy practice life - either face-to-face, online or a combination of the two
When you have finished your training programme, our exams are available to take remotely – no travelling required!
The highest academic standard
The standard of the ISVPS Certificates are consistent across all countries and therefore anyone gaining an ISVPS Certificate, regardless of what country they have taken the exam, will have peer recognition of achieving a high standard which is recognised across the World.
ISVPS works in partnership with Harper Adams University (HAU). Postgraduate Certificates (PgC) awarded by HAU are at Level 7 within the Quality Assurance Agency Framework and confer 60 academic credits (30 ECTS). The rigorous validation process undertaken by HAU, together with their on-going involvement in the Improve Veterinary Education programmes ensures that both the teaching elements and the examination processes meet the highest academic standards.
These Postgraduate Certificate qualifications may be used to apply for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ‘Advanced Practitioner Status’ (for additional RCVS requirements, see RCVS website) .

To find out more, visit our qualification pages:
General Practitioner Certificates / PgC
General Practitioner Advanced Certificates
Nurse Certificates
Nurse Advanced Certificates
Foundation Certificates
Get started now
To get started on your ISVPS qualification, simply enrol on the relevant course with our accredited training provider, Improve Veterinary Education.
Mission statement
To encourage ongoing professional growth through innovative and accessible, digitally-led veterinary qualifications.
What our delegates say about ISVPS