General Practitioner Advanced Certificates

In partnership with Improve Veterinary Education and Harper Adams University, the GPAdvCert programmes are designed for veterinary surgeons who wish to deepen their knowledge in a particular subject.

Who is the GPAdvCert for?
The GPAdvCert is suitable for qualified veterinary surgeons, who are looking to build on existing knowledge and develop an enhanced awareness and more in-depth approach in a particular subject.

Relevant to vets in small animal practice, a number of our GPAdvCert qualifications are validated by Harper Adams University (HAU).

How will you benefit?

The GPAdvCert gives individuals a more in-depth approach in their chosen subject, meaning you benefit from:

  • An enhanced understanding and knowledge in your area of interest
  • Increased awareness of relevant techniques and an ability to use these in the management of cases
  • The ability to critically evaluate evidence and make clinical decisions on the strength of the best evidence available
  • The ability to process complex issues and make sound judgements
  • A sophisticated awareness of professional principles, using self-reflection to inform and improve clinical practice
  • Peer recognition of your dedication to furthering your knowledge in your area of interest
How will your practice benefit?
  • Potential increase in practice earnings, for example through more comprehensive investigation and treatment
  • Individuals will be more confident in clinical decisions and sharing knowledge
  • Retaining talent and expertise through supporting career development
  • Increased customer satisfaction and retention through skilled, confident vets
  • Ability to illustrate high standards of patient care by having staff with ISVPS globally recognised qualifications
How will your patients and their owners benefit?

ISVPS was established to support the veterinary community to deliver compassionate animal care through advanced training and qualifications. With the GPAdvCert, patients and owners will benefit from:

  • Improved patient care from committed veterinary professionals
  • Increased satisfaction as a result of best practice approaches, informed by the highest ethical standards
Pre-requisites for taking the GPAdvCert assessments

In order to take the assessments for the GPAdvCert, you must:

  • Hold a veterinary qualification and be actively involved in veterinary practice
  • Attend all the relevant modules with our accredited training provider. ISVPS strongly recommends you have at least five years’ experience working in practice prior to starting an Advanced Certificate programme.
What learning options are available?

For GPAdvCert training courses, you can choose the way you like to learn whether face-to-face or blended (a mixture of face-to-face and online) – all providing world-class learning with support from local teams in your preferred language. Explore the  training provider website for details.


General Practitioner Advanced Certificates


To achieve this qualification you must hold a current, recognised qualification as a veterinary surgeon.
It is recommended that delegates have been in practice for at least five years prior to starting one of the advanced programmes and/or hold a ISVPS GPCert or equivalent qualification in their chosen discipline.
Note: there may be specific additional eligibility criteria for some programmes. Please contact for further details.


  • 1. Complete the course
    The first step to achieving the GPAdvCert is to complete the modular training programme with an approved training provider.
    During the course, it is recommended that you complete the pre and post module questions which are supplied throughout.
    It is essential to undertake further reading around the course syllabus.


  • 2. Pass the assessments
    Please note, from 1st January 2023 the assessments have changed to focus on assessing clinical experience of vets working in clinical practice.
    GPAdvCert assessments:
    • Candidates must submit a case log comprising multiple cases which they have been involved with, in practice, whilst studying on the programme.
      Each entry within the case log needs to record only key information associated with the case. There may be specific requirements for some of these cases and ISVPS will provide the programme specific requirements.

    Candidates also need to:

    • Sit a 90-minute Online Applied Knowledge Examination (OAKE) to assess application of clinical knowledge.
    • Sit a 90-minute online Case-Based Scenario (CBS) exam, focusing on the management of one in-depth clinical case.
    • Submit a case report; a detailed written assessment on one clinical case managed during the programme.

    Full details of the assessment requirements and deadlines for each qualification are made available for candidates once they have registered with ISVPS. Please contact


  • 3. Celebrate your success!
    On successful completion of your assessments, you will be awarded the GPAdvCert with a personalised certificate and your name will be included in the ISVPS register of General Practitioner Advanced Certificate holders.
    The ISVPS General Practitioner Advanced Certificate award is not currently approved for inclusion in the RCVS register. This is an internationally, peer recognised award.  Your postnominals can be displayed wherever you deem appropriate, except on the RCVS register. The Postgraduate Certificate, awarded by Harper Adams University, is recognised by RCVS.


Get started now

To get started on your GPAdvCert, simply enrol on the relevant course with our accredited training provider, Improve Veterinary Education. Once you are enrolled on a course, you will be able to register with us for your assessments.

Log into your candidate area

Find up-to-date information on assessments and other useful documents in your Candidates Area.

General Practitioner Advanced Certificates

  • Small Mammal Practice – GPAdvCert(SMP)
  • Surgical Oncology – GPAdvCert(SurgOnc)
  • Cardiology – GPAdvCert(Cardio)
  • Feline Medicine – GPAdvCert(FelM)
  • Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery – GPAdvCert(SADen&OS)
  • Small Animal Medicine – GPAdvCert(SAM)
  • Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery – GPAdvCert(SAOS)
  • Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery – GPAdvCert(SASTS)
  • Ultrasound – GPAdvCert(US)

Please note that this may not be an extensive list of qualifications provided by the ISVPS on a global level. For more detailed information, please contact our team.

Progress your career after the GPAdvCert

You can work towards a further GPCert  or GPAdvCert in a different discipline.

Contact us for further information.

Get started now

To get started on your ISVPS Advanced Certificate, simply enrol on the relevant course with our accredited training provider, Improve Veterinary Education.

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